Xiaoqi “Ava” Li was a short-term Research Assistant in the lab. She received bachelor’s degrees in applied mathematics and computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. Xiaoqi is interested in solving biomedical problems using her skillsets in computer science and mathematics. During the time she stayed in Dong Lab, she implemented an R shiny application for power analysis (http://xiaoqil.shinyapps.io/powerEQTL/) in 1 month; led two innovative projects (PD imaging genetics based on UK Biobank data; SARS-Cov-2 circRNAs); three poster presentations in local and national scientific conferences; published one co-first author paper in the journal of Bioinformatics; received Data Science Internship Program award ($20,800) by Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. She is now a PhD student at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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